
Sunday, 30 March 2014

Installing the Kloxo Control Panel

Installing the Kloxo Control Panel

Before Kloxo is installed SELinux needs to be disabled. SELinux handles file and directory security in a way that’s incompatible with Kloxo, so it’s imperitive that it’s disabled before attempting to install Kloxo. To disable SELinux, login to PuTTY as root and issue the following command.

# setenforce 0

(That’s setenforce and a zero, not a capital “O”)
Now that we have SELinux disabled, we need to make sure that it doesn’t come back on after a reboot. To do that we need to create a file called “config” in the /etc/selinux/ directory.

# echo 'SELINUX=disabled' > /etc/selinux/config
That takes care of SELinux.
To begin the Kloxo installation, open PuTTY and issue the following commands, pressing the Enter key after each line.
# cd /tmp
# wget
# sh ./ --type=master

Note: The wget statement is long, so it wrapped to the next line. It needs to be entered as a contiguous string.

Upon entering the last command, the Kloxo installation will begin. It will ask you two questions, to which you should answer with “y” (less quotes, of course) to the first one and “n” for the second. The second question asks if you want to download Installapp applications, but Installapp is dangerously out of date. You will be disabling Installapp for your clients anyway.

Expect the install to take somewhere around 30 to 40 minutes to complete. It’s a huge install, but is fully automated. Expect long pauses, sometimes for 5 or 10 minutes.

When the Kloxo install is complete you will get the command prompt back, and you will see instructions on how to access Kloxo in the few lines above the prompt. Basically, it will be your VPS IP address followed by :7778. So if your IP address is your Kloxo login page will be.

If you see the Kloxo login panel then you did everything correctly so far.

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